Friday, June 22, 2007

Latest O.P.

Latest O.P. from 'Segodnya'
Yellow is June, green is May.
Only 28% of Ukrainians think that the early elections will solve the current political crisis. The majority think otherwise.
These numbers explain why there is much behind-the-scenes talk of an PoR-NU coalition - the only one which would provide some stability.


  1. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I simply do not understand all of this talk about "stability."

    To me, it's a code word for "let's not upset the oligarchs, let's keep everything the same, let's continue to have the same old sewer of a government we have now, let's continue to let people like Firtash'a stepson speed in their BMW's and kill people for a fine of a mere 34 hryvnias."

    I hope that people in Ukraine will finally listen to Tymoshenko and Lutsenko and climb out of the sewer.

    Why did Stanik's mom get $12 million?

    Why doesn't everyone in Ukraine get $12 million?

    Why aren't the deputies in the zRada willing to give up total immunity? Because even they don't trust the government - they're in it, and they know exactly what they themselves are like!

  2. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Good to see the Socialists dropping even further, regardless of their shameful publicity stunts.

    From the figures it looks like PoR won't have a majority? So that's either Communists or Our Ukraine for them.

    The Communist's stubborn hand will be pretty strong if they're king-maker, so I'd say the chances of PoR being forced into a coalition with a Democratic party is increased. Maybe not all bad news afterall
