Thursday, March 04, 2010

Stick to the Constitution

Article 83 of Ukraine's constitution is very clear, it states. ....

"A coalition of deputy factions comprising a majority of people’s deputies of Ukraine in the constitutional membership of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine shall be formed in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the basis of the results of election and on the basis of the harmonisation of the political platforms. "

Any parliamentary coalition is formed by factions, of which there are currently five, and not by individual deputies.

Because of the difficulty of forming a new coalition and electing a new cabinet led by a PoR premier, the party is proposing the introduction of a new, politically expedient parliamentary 'reglament' or rule - a coalition is to comprise: "a union of deputy fractions, national deputies, into which enter a majority of national deputies from the constitutional body of the Verhkhovna Rada."

The NUNS parliamentary faction has split into smaller groups, and parliament now also includes a number of non aligned deputies who have been kicked out of their factions, so this constitutionally unlawful step may help Viktor Yanukovych and PoR achieve their aim of forming a new majority in parliament and a cabinet led by one of their guys, probably Mykola Azarov. But it will not make the new ruling coalition more durable.

The Verkhovna Rada has been plagued by deputies' political indiscipline for many years - that is why the constitution was changed to its present form in the first place.

Even if a new coalition is not formed in the allotted time frame and fresh pre-term parliamentary elections are called, because 4 or5 or more factions will enter parliament again, sadly, the instability will continue.


  1. I agree the Constitution must be the main guiding principle.

    There are a number of issues with Ukraine's Imperative mandate that needs to be properly addressed. (See the Venice Commission reports on Ukraine's Imperative Mandate)

    As I read the situation a stable coaltion can not be formed with Our Ukraine.

    With the passing of a vote of no confidence the course has been set. There will be fresh parliamentary election.

    Ideally Ukraine would first reform the constitution and parliamentary representational model.

    The problem is that the proposals that are on the table for reform have a lot not to desire.

    A MMP system would be another disaster in waiting for Ukraine. All mandates must be on a an equal basis. If there is a need for National versus Local representation then this is best done by creating a bicameral parliament with the Senate representing national Interest and the lower legislative house based on local representation. (Local electorates each returning nine members of parliament on a 10% method of election being Single Transferable Vote - Proportional Representation using the Meek method of counting the vote - The Senate could be a party list national house and electoral system but different quota's). Personally I would just have a single lower house parliament.

    But yes you are right reform the constitution and parliamentary representational model then hold fresh elections under that model is the way to go. But now that Yanukovych is in power he will not want to give it up. Contrary to Yushchenko is BS statements Yanukovych has already shown that the President has way too much power.

  2. elmer6:59 AM

    This trampling on the Constitution illustrates several points:

    1) Ukrainians have a well-developed, useless talent - that of making simply things complicated.

    Was it necessary to get rid of Tymoshenko as PM? No.

    Is it necessary to "form a new coalition" in order to enact a budget, and pass legislation reforming government?


    If Yachoonovyk and the thugs in his Party of Regions, such as Azarov, Kolesnikov, Akhmetov, Firtash and all the rest of the dirtbags in that collection truly wanted to "unite Ukraine" and "work for the good of the country," here's all that they had to do -

    forget about getting rid of Tymoshenko. Put her on the spot.

    Publicly announce a) a budget program that Parliament should enact for the 2010 budget b) publicly announce a program of reforms to eliminate corruption and c) publicly announce whatever other legislation they wanted that they thought was "good for the country."

    Then, let Tymoshenko and her cohorts react.

    In other words, it just takes enough votes in the Parliament, with people cooperating with each other, to do some good for the country.

    Changing the Prime Minister, and playing games with coalitions does nothing for the country - except allow the "political elite" like sovok dirtbag Azarov to jerk other politicians around.

    2) Yachoonovyk and his scumbag Party of Regions care not one whit about Ukraine.

    This is all about who is collecting money from ministerial posts.

    Ukraine is in the strangling grip of sovok relics like Lytvyn, Azarov, and the rest of the dirtbags who engage in political gamesmanship for their own benefit.

    They keep jerking each other around, while pretending to work "for Ukraine."

    They need to be ousted.

    As it is, the main game in Ukraine is finger-pointing, accusing and fighting.

    It's a sewer.

    It needs to be stopped, or Ukraine will not last.

    And all of Yakoonovych's nice little words won't make a bit of difference.

    He should go play golf instead.
