Monday, November 10, 2008

Signs of common sense returning?

The deputy head of the pres's secretariat, Andriy Kysylynskyi in a press release on the presidential website today says: "At the moment signs of political healing are absent, so elections will take place as soon as the economic situation settles. [But] at the same time the chances for unification of parliamentary forces in the face of the economic crisis are being maintained, as witnessed by the positive voting in the Verkhovna Rada supporting the president of Ukraine's anti-crisis bill. Any form of parliamentary majority is acceptable, be it a widened democratic coalition, or a coalition of 300 or more votes..."

"The forces that supported the president's anti-crisis bill [in the VR] - BYuT, NUNS and Lytvyn's Bloc [BL] can and should consider being coalition partners. [But] will such a coalition be viable? [...] The chance for political agreement, which the president of Ukraine has given, having halted the election process, is realistic in the [current] VR..."

VR Speaker Arseniy Yatseniuk today proposed that parliament, government, and the president of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, all sign an agreement on temporary collaboration.

And according to the official government portal, this afternoon PM Yulia Tymoshenko signed a memorandum of understanding with Ukraine's leading mining and metallurgical enterprises. The memorandum was also signed by the owners and top managers of these enterprises, and by trade union leaders.

The cabinet of ministers undertakes to provide lines of credit at minimum rates, and to make Value Added Tax reimbursements as quickly as possible.

The enterprises, in return, will maintain their payrolls, wage levels and other social guarantees for their workers. Industrial strikes and disruptions are the last thing anyone needs right now, so not a bad day's work. Previous history would suggest that it is too early to consider today as any kind of turning point though.


Anonymous said...

Well, Taras Kuzio thinks that the Ukrainian President has re-politicized the Ukrainian Security Service, just like under Kuchma, to attack and smear perceived political enemies.

I'd appreciate hearing what others think.

LEvko said...

While Yuschenko was in Warsaw Tuesday VR Speaker Yatsenyuk was almost dismissed by deputies. BYuT believe that this is attempt by the pres or his secretariat to sink Tymoshenko and her government [See ]

It seems that Yushchenko is now prepared to sacrifice even one of his favourites - the bright-eyed and bushy tailed Yatsenyuk - just to push out Yulka. There may be more pressure on Speaker Yatsenyuk tomorrow. A good report on Tuesday's events in the VR in Ukrainian here:

Anonymous said...

Yushchenko faced with a christmas party that his own party did not want has called of the Election for this year. He certainly did not have the push and drive he had last year. Recent opinion polls show that 85%$ of Ukrainians do not trust Yushchenko.Only 10% indicated that they did. I guess someone said to him 'You Know your going to lose you better find a way out of it. The longer the delay the more pressure mounts to hold early Presidential\ elections

Anonymous said...

OK, let me see.

Just when I thought that things could not possibly, in any way, get uglier....

The first vote to remove Yatseniuk did not take place because there were only about 109 deputies present and voting, and a minimum of 226 is required, I believe.

Then, there was a vote to "suspend" Yatseniuk for 2 days, for which there were 231 votes.

Then, there was a vote to remove Yatseniuk from the post of Speaker, with 233 voting for, including the Party of Regions, a portion of the President's Our Ukraine bloc, the Lytvyn boys, the commies, and 1 from BYuT.

On top of that, there was a scuffle in the Parliament computer section, with broken glass and everything.

Nope - there is no common sense or intelligent life in Ukraine.

Let the whole thing go down the shithole just so Yushchenko can make speeches, and watch the whole thing collapse.

Yatseniuk was indeed proposing a temporary cooperation to get Ukraine out of its crisis.

Damn the people, say Yushchenko, Lytvyn, the PoR and the commies (well, we already knew about the commies).

The boys would rather continue the corruption, the extremely hideous and brutal political shenanigans, and Yushchenko's supposed bid for the Presidency.

The Emperor has no clothes, and the people know it.

But Yushchenko is counting on a few thug oligarchs from the Party of Regions to prop him up.

Do Ukrainians really want this? Do Ukrainians really enjoy this? How on earth can a country survive where the lawmakers are lawless, and its President is a delusional sicko intent only on perpetuating himself, supported by a thug bunch of sovoks from the Party of Regions who want to continue robbing the country blind through the use and abuse of government?

Too bad for Ukraine.

LEvko said...

Every Ukrainian politician has dark corners in his/her early career. Everyone has kompromat on their enemies and have people loyal to them in the law enforcement agencies and judiciary. Fissures in the orange camp started with Oleksandr Turchynov's accusations in 2005 that the president and his circle was entangled in RosUkrEnerho scams. This led to the president dismissing the Tymoshenko-led cabinet. From that time there has been a constant battle of kompromat. Until new, cleaner guys come onto the scene I guess this will continue, so shame about Yatsenyuk having the VR Speaker's chair pulled from under him today. It was the 27 NUNS votes that did for him.

Anonymous said...

well, it wasn't just the 27 NUNS votes that did it, including a few "sell-outs" who had previously sold themselves to the Party of Regions, but also the Lytvyn boys and the commies.

Remember the 4-hour drama queen TV show, where Yushchenko went on about how the country should unite to deal with the crisis?

Lytvyn, on that show, piped up about how his boys, all 20 of them, had enabled anti-crisis legislation by voting for it.

In other words, he pulled a Moroz - "the only reason the busted up Orange Coalition was able to enact the legislation was due to him, so don't take him for granted."

Any bets on whether Lytvyn will not push to be speaker?