Energy Minister Yuriy Boyko claims the recent article in 'Dzerkalo Tyzhnya' about "Chornomornaftohaz's" scandalous $400 million purchase of a jackup drilling rig [see previous blog] was "zakazukha -100%""- ordered and published in order to discredit him.
He has requested the Ukrainian Security Service [SBU] investigate who the 'shit-stirrers' are and suggests that the article was ordered in bad faith to disrupt the dates of commencement of production of oil and gas by Ukraine on the Black Sea shelf.
Boyko did not deny the installation could have cost $ 250 million, but claimed this did not include "additional costs".
"In fact the cost of installation may be 250 million, but that does not include the cost of any rescue helicopters, or ships, and this is extra money," he said.
"On the one hand, 400 million [paid to a 'name-plate' shell company with registered offices at a small bathroom and kitchen shop..LEvko], on the another 250, but they forgot to mention all the spare parts and accessories ... I have to conclude that this is "zakazuha". Nobody looked at the details, simply [everything was done] to create a scandal .." said Boyko.
LEvko wants to know why did he not provide any details where the additional $150 million went?
Why did he give a company whose offices lie between 'Tony's Italian and North Indian Cuisine Cafe', 'Chillies Take-Away', and 'Tattoo-U' tattoo parlour, $400 million?
Why was this company, who obviously now supply helicopters and ships, have a website written by Borat?
Why are the guys behind the two sole companies who submitted tenders linked?
Why was the drilling platform not purchased direct from SDRL - Seadrill? Is it because, in their own words, they endeavour to adhere to "stringent ethical requirements and the highest standards of corporate governance"? I.e. no chance of kickbacks?
By threatening 'DzT' with an SBU investigation over a perfectly sound piece of investigative journalism Boyko is merely providing more evidence of press harassment by the ruling authorities. His response sounds as phony as the 'copy' on the 'name-plate' company's website..
p.s. Boyko used this outfit to register it. They share the same premises as the plumbers..