Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More on Gazprom

Anyone with an interest in Russia's waving of its 'gas weapon', its 'pipeline' or other metaphor in the air, and the reaction in the mass media, should check out Jerome a Paris' recent blog:

a short quote:

..the press campaign against Gazprom...from all available information, originates with the Blair government, desperately looking for an external scapegoat for its failing energy policy and the accompanying gas shortages in the UK, this is highly suspicious...

As Abdymok in his own unique way puts it, there's some 'gang flakking' going on here. Even 'The Times' gets in on the act. [with graphics and backround links too.]

*Some brilliant 'background stuff' on why Ukraine has a unique position in Gazprom's history and infrastructure from a man who was there - Jerome a Paris - the man deserves respect..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any word on whether the anniversary of Chernobyl could lead to reparations from Russia for Ukraine and Belarus?
